Eric Bledsoe was traded to Phoenix before the beginning of the 2013/14 season and to many observers seemed less than enthusiastic about being there. Watching games on TV, he seldom came out of his shell, his enthusiasm curbed for reasons that could only be known to him.
As an astrologer my reaction was find his birthday and see how he fit with the rest of the team. Admittedly a shallow analysis since it only used his birthday and not his birth time , it was still quite revealing. The Suns are one of the few teams in professional sports that are well aligned astrologically. While the reason for this may accidental or on purpose it remains a fact. Out the twelve man squad nine of the players are well in synch with coach, having sun and moon that connect favorably with his or personal planets in favorable aspect.
Bledsoe is one of the people whose moon is a close degree alignment (conjunct) the coaches sun position. The other starting guard, Goran Dragic, also has a close degree aspect with the coach, in fact his birthday is just a few days different making his sun conjunct Hornecek's.
In my practice I tell people that when their Sun is conjunct another's moon they need to tred lightly because the moon person will quite easily feel like their choices and desires are being co-opted, since every time they begin to assert their perceptions they find the Sun person there first using the situation to their advantage. In families this is a common aspect between parent and child and often leads to estranged relationships as the dominant person asserts their reality without respecting the others. The reason for this is basic to personality development as people want to have control of their own minds and destinies, making the best of the opportunities that arise moment by moment. Having someone seeming to take your place all the time can become old fast.
This is immediately a problem for Bled, who has the skills to be dominant and needs to feel that way on the team too, but with Dragic's connection to the coach he may feel that every discussion has him at a disadvantage, where his contribution is somehow tilted toward another every time. Bledsoe's chart favors the practical Earth and emotional water signs although his sun is in the fire sign of Sagittarius. It is the only fire sign in his chart and additionally his Sun is not aspected, which has the effect of disconnecting his will from the rest of his personality. This condition makes it hard for a person to express what they feel on the spur of the moment. The best way to overcome this is to be able to operate intuitively as much as possible.
Without trying to analyze all the factors in the complex relationship between a player and his team, the above factors standout as contributing to Bledsoe's feeling of unease with the Suns. Finding the other players that complement him and his game may be a solution that will give him a greater sense of power and control on the floor. The chart of Isaiah Thomas is more complementary to his own and being on the floor with him will give Eric the satisfaction of being as intuitive as he needs to be. It is obvious that Dragic is very aggressive and takes the ball to the hole as often as he can, making the other members of the team into observers, playing off the ball setting-up and going for the rebound in case Goran misses. As the team develops its timing and awareness with other members being good scorers, it may be that the combination of Thomas and Bledsoe will score with threes and dunks from the centers and forwards more often, as Dragic's style works best when he is the first option.
Bledsoe may want the ball more than he is getting it, but he will get enough chances and his intuitive play will get better. Whether it is Thomas or Dragic since they all have very compatible aspects between them. When Eric is on the floor with Dragic the intuitive perception very good, Sun conjunct moon and sun trine moon. With Thomas it is Sun sextile sun and moon sextile moon. These aspects between to point guards are exceptional and make the trio a fearsome group playing together, while the Suns speed of play uses their connection to its max.
I hope Bledsoe gets a satisfying deal from the Suns and that the team can offer Dragic a fair contract next year too. These three guards playing together can become an NBA legend if the team has the shooting and rebounding to complement their explosive style of play.